Caviar Royal Selection


The biggest and finest grains are selected from Baeri of different origins, raised in huge tanks fed by river water. Inside, the sturgeons can move freely, giving a caviar poor in fat and rich in calcium and potassium thanks to the quality of the water. With a rather firm texture, this caviar of dark colour bursts with power on the palate. Little salty, it has a very sweet taste and releases a delicious nutty flavor in the mouth. In addition, the Royal Select enjoys an exceptional quality/price ratio, while being able to compete without complex with the best caviars on the market.

Best-before date : 3 months

Origin : Italy

SKU: N/A Category:


Informations complémentaires

POIDS : 10 gr, 20 gr, 30 gr, 50 gr, 100 gr, 125 gr, 200 gr, 250 gr, 500 gr, 1 kg